Donate - To The NYC Marines
501(c)3 Organization
Thank you for your interest in supporting our cause.
Financials / Pubs
The New York City Marines is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Contributions to the NYCMCC are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Mailing Address:
NYC Marines
Grand Central Station
P.O. Box 2808
New York, NY 10163-2808
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We receive donations by Check or PayPal / Credit Card
Make a Donation to the NYC Marines
- Enter your own amount. Click donate button, then enter your amount.
The New York City Marine Corps Council is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Contributions to the
NYC Marines are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. For further information please
call (203) 449-3222 or email
When donating by check, please make payable to: The New York City Marine Corps Council
Mail to: NYC Marines ~ Grand Central Station ~ P.O. Box 2808 ~ New York, New York 10163-2808